Infinite Gods - The Seminal Church

Posted: 25/02/27

This is the most critical discovery of The Seminal Church. If you choose to believe, or at least consider, one teaching of The Seminal Church I implore to strongly consider the words below. You may unlock a world you never knew existed.

Most religious teach the concept of a single God. A monotheism. The idea being that there is one God and if you anger that one God, you're out of luck. Or worse. The teaching goes that humans must tip-toe around the whims of the God, lest they be punished or banished. This is an anxiety-inducing teaching, and one that hampers the human spirit.

Now, consider if you will, that we live in a multiverse, and there exists infinite realities. There exist infinate versions of you and infinite versions of everyone you love. Infinite versions of the Earth and Universe. Quantum computers are beginning to demonstrate this infinity by tapping into parallel realities to perform computation that otherwise would not be possible to compute solely within this reality.

Following this train of infinity, wouldn't it be reasonable to believe that there are infinite gods? Infinite versions of you, infinite versions of those you love, and infinite versions of gods. Our existence is infinite, not finite. The finite concept is imposed as a power mechanism to, basically, enslave humanity. It's not good.

You see, you are infinite. The gods are infinite. The Universe is infinite. The available energy is infinite. Your time is infinite. The Seminal Church encourages you, right now, to unshackle your mind and accept infinity. Accept that the gods want the best for you, they want you to achieve your infinite potential, but it begins with you aligning your belief with infinity. Accept infinity and crush it.

Much Love,

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